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What is the International Online Space Alliance (IOSA)?
We are an open community technology initiative, working to kickstart and support a global network of community-owned technology agencies, dedicated to public joy and benefit.

Who is the IOSA for?
At a practical level, we are for people and businesses who would like to co-create and test a new generation of online services and spaces, that aim to harness and amplify the benefits of personal and civic spaces in physical life.

More philosophically, we are for people who care deeply about humanity and our future, including our need for a sustainable, joyful, empowering online world.

Why does the IOSA exist?
We exist to harness technology as a vehicle for humanity to celebrate and strengthen our connectedness as one, particularly to seize opportunities and solve great challenges, together. This is our why.

To achieve our why, our current mission is to help restructure our online world into balanced mix of personal, collective and commercial ownership - of space, assets and infrastructure - so that it better reflects the civic structure that we thrive on in life.

What are we focused on?
Our current activities are grouped into three focus areas:

1) Shared knowledge
Shining a light on the key challenges and opportunities for our online world, and how we can address them

2) Co-creation
With an open community of contributors, creating shared digital infrastructure that offers game-changing societal benefits for people, businesses, our planet and our future

3) Community ownership
Kickstarting and supporting a global network of community-owned Online Space Agencies (OSA's), working to help us harness our connectedness, for good.

Please click here to learn more about our governance.